Monday, June 10, 2019


Choosing a segment- On this assignment I chose the segment of an older generations and mind set in determining the demographics and characteristics of this behavior. The first person was in a nursing home and she was not aware of drug addiction in these facilities (Suzie). The following person was an older man (Rob) that goes to my gym and I asked his input for the market of these drugs. The third person I asked was a waitress at a diner and how she thought there might be a demand for these drugs.

Interview- Suzie
·      Do you think there is a demand for these drugs on the market?
“yes, I believe there is a high need for them. People are in extreme pain; the bad part is that they become addicted to these pills.”
·      If the product was switched do you think people will realize?
“I think it might be a 50/50 chance because it can be more a psychological thinking mind set rather than curing the pain.
·      In the direction that legalized marijuana is going would you consider switching to that kind of alternative if you had the choice?
“no, I don’t believe I would switch because all it does it mellow a person out rather than helping with the pain.
I continued asking her question based on the field of these drugged and she thinks there is a high demand but there is an emotional connection to her and how it can ruin someone’s life.
Rob- I asked the same questions above.
·      “I ethically do not think there should be a demand for these drugs just because I work out four times a week and never needed the assistant of a pill only if I went to the hospital.”
·      “For sure people would realize! Some of these people are addicted and they do not know but if you were trying to do a placebo affect people would know right away.”
·      “I would consider it just because this alternative may be cheaper along with not as many harsh chemicals entering my body and trying to stay as healthy as possible.”
We continued discussing the time has changed and the society of today and how the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are just trying to earn an extra dollar and not worrying about the patient that is actually in need for help.
Waitress- I asked the same questions above-
·      “I think there is a demand for these drugs, but the side effects of these drugs can cause problems for the human body, I saw it with my coworker.”
·      “I do think if they altered with the pill people would realize it, although if the doctor explained the difference at the beginning and the benefits then people might not care as much.”
·      “I personally do not use these drugs, but I think it’s a great alternative. The market for these pills is extremely expensive so possibly this can cut the cost of it for the consumer.”

What I learned- From this interview that I have done with these three candidates, they believe that there is a high need for this. Possibly not in the same direction or way I may have presented my idea, but they believe there is a need to reduce the addiction level of opioids. They noticed an increase of deaths along with rehabilitation centers getting busier and busier due to these drugs. Also, a quick search on Google can tell you that the marijuana business is booming right now in the market for pharmaceutical companies which can lead to a new and improved health care system. This business is a domino effect which can trickle down to the doctors who prescribe the correct medication this time for the patient to live a healthy long life.

How would I describe this segment- I would say in the sense of that many people are somewhat knowledgeable about this but in the marijuana factor. The business I was creating was going hand and hand with rehabilitation centers and pharmaceutical companies to see if this epidemic can be reduced along with the cost. Many people are not considering opening up this kind of business rather a smoke shop, since that is the new trend, these people are not looking at the bigger picture.


  1. Hi, you did a great job detailing all the points for the assignment and you picked a good segment. Really good job explaining your product and your interviews. You did a really good job going in depth on your interview and what you learned from them.

  2. Ariel, great job hitting the marks on this assignment! I truly found it to be very interesting and I am sure that it will help you with better understanding your customers and product specifications going forward. The details from the interviews you hosted were very interesting.
