Friday, June 14, 2019

14A- Halfway Reflection

14A- Halfway Reflection
1.    Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?
While in this course so far, I have noticed that I have to be on top of every single assignment and lecture. This has helped me in the future because if you are consistent and know what you want you will be great and achieve anything in this case try an achieve an A. I’ve had to learn have to allocate my time much better in the sense of working part-time and taking three other classes. It is difficult but since this class is an enjoyment for me, I do not mind the extra time or drive because it can potentially be something great.

2.    Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
A time that I felt like giving up on this class was literally the second week. I looked at the assignments and felt overwhelmed with the interviews, personal questions, and a topic that is important to me but I’m willing to change for the world. I really sat down and focused in is this worth it? Of course, later on here I am saying yes, it is worth it! I enjoyed every minute writing those comments, blogs, and just talking to people about my topic issue and others that I thought was interesting. My experiences not only from this class has helped me be determined and resilient no matter how large or tedious the assignment can be. I say it a minor setback but with major result at the end. Yes, it is cliché, but I really do believe in that for this class especially if you are serious about your business idea.

3.    What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset’?
1.     Once you have found your “idea” go with it. It doesn’t matter how little or dumb or it's already on the market go with it and be different. There will always be someone that says the product or service is not good. If you have a solid idea push through.
2.     How I was able to create this mindset was just always being determined through sports and I carried it out through school. Try and reflect something as a hobby or something you enjoy doing and pretend that this class is that. You never know you might own your business that was truly your hobby.
3.     For this class watch the lectures! They are very funny, entertaining but the cupcakes change. I thought it was extra credit at first but until I reread the syllabus, I was clearly wrong. Overall just stay at least one week ahead so you know the content and can actually enjoy the lectures.


  1. Hey Ariel,
    Working and taking summer classes is definitely a lot to handle and takes tenaciousness. I got overwhelmed early in this class too by looking ahead at all the assignments but it has gotten easier once you get a good feel for the class. All your tips would be very beneficial for future students by helping them be prepared for this class. Great job!

  2. Hey Ariel! I understand your struggle since I also work part-time and take classes. This is my first summer semester at UF, and I thought because all my classes were online that it would make it easier. I think it's actually a bit harder when you have to remind yourself to watch the videos each day rather than just sitting in a classroom for an hour and being done with it. Keep up the tenacious attitude!

  3. Hello there Ariel! I found this post to be quite interesting and relatable. I agree, especially with your circumstances, you just have to take it by the horns and complete your responsibilities to the best of your abilities and as efficiently as possible. It's a great point that you mentioned your interest in this class, as having that interest will definitely help with making each and every task easier to complete.
