Thursday, June 27, 2019


Five ways I think I have human capital:
1.     Competitiveness- I am driven to try and accomplish anything along with trying to be the best at the task, person, or business. I think when I was playing sports when I was younger this helped.
2.     Punctuality- I am never late to any meetings, class, or events. I think this is crucial when perusing a person to include in on a business because you can rely on them and trust that they will follow through.
3.     Consistence- this particular one is important because switching up the routines, or workflow can cause problems along with not being able to achieve that goal or quota.
4.     Approachable- people have said to me that it is easy talking to me along with just having a great conversation. This can enhance the work force by being able to talk to customers or clients.
5.     Deliberative- for this one it can be a positive and negative just because it can take me awhile to make a choice, but when I do, I am comfortable with my choice.


 I thought of what my friends and family were saying about me is what I sort of thought in mind. The third person, my friend Chris said that I can literally talk to anyone and I recently have noticed it and I think it can help with being an entrepreneur and gaining information. Lastly my brother, Erol he is extremely motivating, and his video opened my eyes on the bigger picture that I can do anything when I set my mind to it. I thought truly they were all accurate about my personality especially my best friend Ashleigh.


  1. Hey Ariel, nice job with your post. I think all those qualities are good ones to have. I also think that your family being accurate about your own description of yourself means you are open with those closer to you, you don’t hide your personality. Nice job!

  2. Hey Ariel! Your friend Chris pointed out something that's very important to have as an entrepreneur. The ability to communicate clearly in-person is an ability not many people have. I have tried to train myself to be able to talk to anyone and everyone, but it's a difficult thing for an introvert to master. You have incredibly valuable human capital!
