Monday, May 27, 2019

5A – Identifying Local Opportunities

1.     Thousands of students wrote letters to migrant kids. Will the government deliver them? - Monique O. Madan
1.2.  This article was about how the children that were separated from their parents were going to write letters to them and be delivered on Memorial Day. The letters were transported to the Homestead Immigration center and the guard looked at the carrier and did not receive the letters. Activists went crazy because even if the children do not see the change many people in the world want this issue to change. Towards the end of the article, activist is trying to convert the centers. Not into a prison but a learning center for the children.
1.3.  The problem in this story is the constant separation and battle between border control and immigration laws. Even though this political issue is a huge problem this effects families along with their well-being.
1.4.  The people that have the people are the parents and the children that immigrated to America. I would more so say the children if they were born here now because they are a U.S. citizen and basically homeless and do not have protection from their parents.
2.     During visit to Israel, Florida Gov. DeSantis casts blame in Mideast conflict - Jeffrey Schweers
2.2.   The article was about the Governor’s visit to Israel this morning. He went to Ariel University that signed an agreement with Florida Atlantic University pertaining to I assume educational matters. Along with that the article took a course of what lese DeSantis was doing in Israel like visiting organizations, going to banks, and seeing certain fundraisers.
2.3.  The problem of this story is that America is still trying to be allies with counties in the Middle East and even in the article he stated that Airbnb is a loss for them because of the terror it causes.
2.4.  The people that have to be concerned and watch out is Israel even though we are on good terms, many problems or loop holes in any agreements can go sideways if America doesn’t stay on track.
3.     Police find decomposed body in Miami Gardens canal- Martin Vassolo
3.2.  The article was about a body that was found at 4:50PM in a local Miami canal. Police and Investigation teams are looking into how the body was disposed here.
3.3.  The problem is that someone is dead and also that the medical examiners have no clue the age, sex, no I.D. or clothing on the victim when founded.
3.4.  The people that we have to worry is the person that committed this crime along with give the greatest condolences to this person’s family in such heartache and they have no idea where this individual is.
4.     Coast Guard nabs 10 Cuban migrants and two suspected smugglers in waters off Cuba- Howard Cohen
4.2.  The Coast Guard that was in charge of this victory noticed when a 30-foot speed boat was coming across the International waters and noticed something was out of the ordinary. There was 12 people on board with 10 being immigrants. They took the two citizens into the Homeland security for questioning. The Guard said at the end of the article that year to date of this incident there has been 384 attempts to migrate to America.
4.3.  The problem is that people are not happy or want change in their life and choose to come to America and overlook the consequences if it happens. This led to higher population and greater infiltration of outsiders that can lead into terror attacks.
4.4.  The people that this affects is the security team of America. They most likely have to hire more people, work longer hours, change regulations. This also affects the Americans reputation.
5.     design - All-white rooms exemplify simplicity - and elegance- OSEPH PUBILLONES
5.2.  The article was about the different color schemes of the color white and how it can affect the mood, vison, design, fabric choice, and coziness of a home. The color white it’s supposed to enhance or take in another color, but in today’s world people want the clean white look and it might be hurting them. Also, this interior design movement happened about 40 years ago and now it is back.
5.3.  The problem of this is the vison. If you have a glossy counter top with white walls there will be a glare or vice versa. Along with the vision the cleaning is always nonstop.
5.4.  The people that this will affect is the homebuyers or the people that want to remodel their home and are considering a white home/kitchen.


  1. Hi Ariel great articles that you picked out for your blog. It is very interesting to me that even though we live in the same area we have so many different events and news going on daily. What really shocked me was the 10 Cuban people that the Coast Guard caught it actually made me want to click on the link you provided and see the whole thing myself.

  2. Hi Ariel! Great job on this assignment! I think you picked really interesting topics here from local journalism sources and did a great job tying all the information together. These articles were very intriguing and I could tell that you are passionate about these topics. Overall, great job here and I can't wait to see how you connect these themes to your project.
