Friday, July 5, 2019



Reflections- I got really good feedback from my comments along with some ideas to pitch so i explained a little more in depth of how I can change the well being of a person along with putting my action into affect. I also changed my tone a little to a softer spoken just because yes I am passionate about this but I don't want to scare anyone off.

What I changed- The only thing I changed was I decided to sit in my video which I reflect back and I feel like I carried the same energy through the first video and I change the tone and pitch of my voice.


  1. Hi Ariel! You had a great video and I'm glad you made the minor changes because it did make a huge difference in the video. Like you said you do not want to scare anyone from your voice and by fixing that one problem it became spot on. Keep up the good work with your business plan its coming along amazing.

  2. Hey Ariel,
    Your idea is really interesting and would be something a lot of people would consider buying. I think standing up could bring more energy to your pitch, but if sitting down works for you then that is what you should do. You seemed to adjust to the changes you made from the first pitch very well and it showed in the video Great job!
