Monday, July 29, 2019


1.     From what I have read for the past summer of my comments was really positive feedback along with some knowledge of how many people are not aware of the opioid problem. I was shocked and taken back when I was reading these. Also, the encouragement from the platform that I created a lot of people agreed and like it and thought it could be successful. I am proud that I came up with the idea and model since it has never been done before.
2.     I do think I have an entrepreneurial mind set. It might not be the typical way of think but yes, I do think I overcame that area and have gained so much knowledge from this class.
3. Do not procrastinate and make sure your assignments are submitted. I messed up on this a few times and unfortunately you cannot get your points. As long as you stay on top of your work and are motivated you should be fine.


  1. Hey there, Ariel, nice work this week to finish the course strong! This post was a great way to look back on this course and this semester in general. I agree with the first part of your response, I had no idea how severe the opioid problem truly was and reading your posts really helped me get a better understanding of the importance of finding a solution. I think your suggestions were very straight to the point and helpful, as I too, fell into a pitfall of procrastination and I lost points as a result. It's critical that students in this course work on a regular basis towards fleshing out their business plan.

  2. Hey Ariel! As I've mentioned before, I lost my grandmother to opioid addiction, so I applaud you for taking on this epidemic during this course. I also messed up and forgot to submit an assignment this semester, so you're not alone on that one. It has been a pleasure to follow your progress this summer! Good luck during the rest of your time at UF!

  3. Hi Ariel! This is a great way to describe your final thoughts of this class and your overall your business plan. I do agree you need to have time management and have a schedule for the assignments in this class since they do come up quick and sometimes we tend to forget or do not realize it is already too late. Great working with you this semester.

  4. Hi Ariel! Great work here. It is really cool to see how your ideas evolved over time and through each post I could tell you were getting more and more creative. I can really get the sense that your purpose or your "why" is really important to you and I think that is truly what drives innovation. Great advice for future students, and overall great work on this post!
